NEW FIGHTER: Yosei! Version 0.8.0 is Live!

Yosei Kanji  joins the fight!

The wave-making samurai assassin, and estranged sister of Shoto, is here at last! As the game's 19th playable fighter, Yosei introduces a calculating new playstyle focused on careful neutral play and her signature stance-switching mechanics! Master the balance between her patient Iaido style and her volatile Tsunami style, and you'll be able to cut through any problem you face!

As usual though, Yosei is not the only thing new to this update! Some of the other things we've added include:

  • Projectile clashing
  • A new stage variant
  • New costumes
  • New Missions
  • Balance changes
  • Quality-of-life features
  • Bug fixes

Want to know more? Keep scrolling to read the full patch notes for this update!


 Projectile Clashing System

  • Each projectile in the game now has a priority value assigned to it. When two projectiles collide, their priority values are compared against each other, and one of various different interactions can occur depending on each projectile's priority and the number of hits it has.

    • If one projectile has a higher priority value than the other, it will destroy the weaker one and continue on its path
    • If both projectiles have the same priority and hit count, they will clash, destroying each other
    • If a multi-hitting projectile is involved in a same-priority clash, it will use up one of its hits, but will not be immediately destroyed. If both projectiles still have hits left, they will repeatedly clash until one of them is destroyed (or both of them, if they deal the same number of hits)
    • Note that most projectiles range in priority from -2 to 3, but Super projectiles typically have varying values in the double digits. If you want to know the priority of any given projecitle, the new "Extra Projectile Data" option in Training Mode will allow you to easily view both the priority value and hit count of any projectile you use!


  • Added a new music track: Yosei's Theme - Dead in the Water
  • Added a new music track: Shoto vs Yosei - Stormy Seas of Family

    • This track has a high chance to override the stage's default music in Shoto vs Yosei matches in Versus mode, and is also guaranteed to play if the two meet in an Arcade Mode rival battle

Throw Break

  • Adjusted the timing window for Throw Breaks to be much more reasonable (lengthened from 7 frames to 16 frames)


  • Crumples can now only occur once per combo, much like wall bounces and floor bounces (This change mainly affects Baron, but does apply universally regardless)
  • Fixed an issue where using a Super with cinematic startup while the opponent was being crumpled would cause the crumple animation to reset


  • Fixed an issue where Reversals and disjointed attacks could clash with Break Bursts
  • Fixed an issue where Bursting on the same frame you got hit would result in the Burst effect spawning, but the character failing to actually perform the Burst
  • Fixed an issue where a Reversal could be used during the first few frames of a Burst


  • Fixed an oversight which caused a Perfect round to be lost if the damage came from self-damage or chip damage

Pause Menu

  • Fixed an issue where the input used for pausing and unpausing the game would always be the default binding, even if a custom binding was created

Main Menu

  • Updated the graphic for the “back to main menu” button prompt on various menus
  • Fixed a visual bug where the gameplay control binding screen on the main menu would display the Reversal button as “movement”


 Beach Brawl (Sunset)

  • A variant of the Beach Brawl stage. To unlock it, play on the Beach Brawl stage 5 times

Sylvan's Office

  • Fixed an oversight where the floor’s model was placed slightly above its collision, causing objects such as ERROR’s portal to be invisible on this stage

Mission Mode

  • Added 4 new Missions
    • Beach Bully
    • Lord of Lightning
    • Special Request
    • Beat the Overheat
  • Fixed a softlock that occurred when attempting to select the Rugged Red costume for a Mission, or when loading any Mission in which the CPU used this costume

Training Mode

  • Added the “Extra Projectile Data” toggle to the pause menu, which shows both the number of hits and the priority of any projectile you use

Combo Trials

  • Added multiple new toggles to the pause menu. These are all off by default, but can be turned on at any time
    • Damage Data  - Identical to the Training Mode toggle of the same name. Displays the damage of your combo, the hitstun timer, and the high/mid/low pop-ups
    • Side-Sensitive Inputs  - Causes directional inputs in the trial list to flip depending on the direction your character is facing, rather than only showing the inputs for the moves as they would be performed when facing right
    • Condensed Inputs  - Shortens the inputs in the trial list to just directional arrows and buttons, with text only where necessary

  • Added a new playable fighter: Yosei Kanji


 Beachwear Clyde

  • Added a new costume: Beachwear Clyde

Blazing Force (Held Back Special)

  • Now destroys projectiles of priority -1 or lower


 Sand Builder Annie

  • Added a new costume: Sand Builder Annie
    • To unlock: Beat the new Mission "Beat the Overheat"

Jumping Medium

  • Fixed an oversight where the move dealt twice the amount of damage it was supposed to, as the two separate hits were not accounted for (damage difference: 2400  → 1200)

Hi-Volt Stun Grenade (Neutral Special)

  • Increased damage scaling proration when used as a combo starter (90%  → 80%)

HSC Function 204-A/204-B (Down Super)

  • Gizmo's laser now destroys projectiles of priority 25 or lower


  • Fixed an oversight where Annie’s outlines were the incorrect thickness during her Arcade Mode boss cutscene
  • Fixed a bug where the Welder costume’s default colour was missing a texture on the boots

Skull Toss (Neutral Special)

  • Fixed an issue where the skull projectile could be hit by grabs, causing Rattlebone to be stunned for a long time


  • Fixed an oversight where the Lifeguard costume’s “axe” projectile used the wrong hit sound
  • Fixed an issue where Colour 02 for the default costume had the wrong bone colour


 Thunder God Shoto

  • Added a new costume: Thunder God Shoto
    • To unlock: Beat the new Mission "Lord of Lightning"

Electric Blast (Held Neutral Special)

  • Updated the attack animation (frame data is unchanged)

Thunder Eclipse (Neutral Super)

  • Updated visual effects

Omega Lightning Upper (Down Super)

  • Slightly increased the hitbox size, making it hit a little further in front of Shoto
  • Updated visual effects

Boss Mode

  • Shoto's moves now gain additional properties when in Boss Mode:
    • Electric Blast: Priority increases from 0 to 1
    • Storm Kicks: No longer enters a landing recovery animation on whiff or block
    • Lightning Upper: No longer stales when used multiple times in a combo
  • When using the Thunder God costume, further properties are added:
    • Electric Ball: Fires two simultaneous projectiles at different angles
    • Electric Blast: The projectile is larger in size
    • Omega Lightning Upper: Now shoots out several small projectiles while rising
    • Upon reaching 30% HP, Thunder God Shoto automatically performs a Burst-like attack that launches upward


  • Yosei is now a possible rival for Shoto in Arcade Mode

Standing Medium

  • Fixed an oversight where the last hit dealt increased blockstun compared to the previous hits

The Derrick "Special" (Back Special)

  • Extended Derrick’s hurtbox slightly forward during the move’s recovery frames, to make it more accurate to where his model is
    • This should also prevent an issue where Derrick could occasionally switch sides with the opponent when landing this move in the corner

Panic Button (Neutral Super)

  • Fixed an issue where Derrick could be pushed during the move, causing the giant rock to also slide around


  • Fixed an issue where an item held in Derrick’s hand wouldn’t properly disappear on the victory screen
  • Fixed an issue where, if the opponent was playing as Shiverskull and picked up one of Derrick’s items, the item could disappear permanently if Shiverskull used an attack that normally hides his swords (such as Barrel O’ Pain), leaving Shiverskull missing a sword

Bruiser Beatdown (Neutral Special)

  • Reduced the blockstun inflicted by both of the possible final follow-ups

Hot Pursuit (Back Special)

  • The teleport follow-up can no longer be performed if the initial hit is blocked

Omega Beam (Neutral Super)

  • Now destroys projectiles of priority 25 or lower

System Override (Down Super)

  • Made a potential fix to an issue where using a Blast Burst after the System Override explosion would sometimes cause Azutron to enter hitstun after the Burst ended

Supernova Lariat (Back Special)

  • Increased the size of the hitbox during the first few active frames

Orbital Grapple (Special during Supernova Lariat)

  • Reduced the amount of time the hitbox is active (12f  → 8f)

Meteor Cannon (Down Special)

  • Fixed an issue where, if the move was used during Baron’s Red Supergiant install, using it again after the install ended would result in an instant fully-charged punch

All In (Neutral Super)

  • Fixed an issue where, if this Super was used at the same time as an opponent’s Super, the All In projectile would hit less times than usual


  • Updated the on-hit effects for Sylvan’s Ace Energy projectiles and Deck Slicer attacks

Reckless Rush (Back Special)

  • Increased horizontal knockback, allowing for more consistent wall bounces from midscreen


  • Slightly reduced Chip’s healing rate when downed. Without extra healing from Lumina, Chip now takes 12 seconds to fully recover instead of 10

Timber (Up Special)

  • Added the launcher property to the slam, making it weaker if used multiple times in a combo

Arbor Drill (Down Super)

  • If Lumina is hit before Chip re-appears on screen, the attack will now be cancelled, with Chip falling back down harmlessly


 Shark Prank Black Heart

  • Added a new costume: Shark Prank Black Heart
    • To unlock: Beat the new Mission "Beach Bully"

Callow Crash (Neutral Special)

  • Fixed an issue where you could still input the upward version for a few specific frames during the movement of the forward version
  • Made a potential fix to an issue where the aerial version could sometimes travel much further than intended on hit

Callow Rush (Neutral Super)

  • Fixed an issue where the opponent could sometimes be KO’d before the final hit

Meter Burner (Neutral Super)

  • Now destroys projectiles of priority 25 or lower

Jumping Medium

  • Increased startup time (10f  → 15f)

Boolean (Back Special)

  • Reduced the projectile’s maximum lifetime (1.8 seconds  → 1.1 seconds)
  • The projectile now disappears if ERROR is hit while it is active

void Teleport(); (Down Special)

  • Reduced the portal's hitbox size
  • Reduced the portal’s maximum lifetime (5 seconds  → 2.5 seconds)
  • If used to start a combo, the portal now properly acts as a Special starter for the purpose of damage scaling

Integer Overflow (Down Super)

  • Projectiles can now hit the head, knocking it around in the same way as melee attacks


  • Derrick is now a possible rival for Johnson in Arcade Mode

Standing Light

  • Reduced horizontal knockback

Crouching Light

  • Reduced horizontal knockback, while keeping the pushback on blocking opponents unchanged

Crouching Heavy

  • Increased distance travelled during the startup
  • Increased hitbox size, making it hit further in front of Ember and a bit further down
  • The second hit now comes out 5 frames sooner

Bouncy Dash (Back Heavy)

  • Reduced blockstun dealt (0.45s  → 0.3s)
  • Can no longer be cancelled after hitting a blocking opponent

Blob Lob (Down Special)

  • Reduced startup time of the grounded version (22f  → 16f)

Luck of the Draw (Down Super)

  • The pool of copy abilities that the move can choose from no longer increases in size after a rematch
    • Previously, one new copy ability was added to the pool on a rematch, in order to keep the pool feeling different without re-loading the entire thing. Now, in addition to this, the first ability in the pool is removed, maintaining parity between rematches so that the chance of rolling any given ability is the same

Copy Beam (Neutral Special with Ember ability)

  • Now destroys projectiles of priority 2 or lower

Donner Misterkay

  • Fixed an issue where resetting in Training Mode during Donner’s Circle of Doom (Down Super) would not delete any spawned projectiles from the attack

Azutron T-Type (Gigatron)

  • Fixed an issue where Gigatron was unaffected by the damage multiplier setting in Versus mode

The Pill

  • Fixed a softlock that occurred when reaching the second-last stage of Arcade Mode as The Pill


Duels of Fortune (0.8.0 EA) - Current Build 560 MB
65 days ago

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